
Why is supervision so expensive service?

The supervisor’s job is to CONTAIN a lot of different emotions. It is very draining and needs extra time for preparing and recovering. Supervisors have to take RISKS, which might lead to benefits or sometimes also to failure. Professionalism in supervision comes through LEARNING and constant self-REFLECTION. This takes a lot of resources. ************ Miks…
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Why not to give up on difficult or stuck groups?

The most important factor in supervision, in my mind, is TIME. People need sometimes time to understand the information (3-5 meetings), as their thinking processes have different speeds. Time is our very good friend in these cases. Sometimes the problem or tension inside the organisation or team is so big and overwhelming, that people cannot…
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What Is Failure in the Context of Supervision?

  Inglisekeelne filosoofiline mõtiskelu rahvusvahelises supervisiooni ajakirjas, mille teemaks oli “Õppimine läbikukkumistest, vigadest ja fiaskodest.” Minu mõttelõnga veeretas keerlema küsimus, et kui supervisioon on elukutse, mis tugineb refleksioonil ja õppimisel, siis kuidas sellesse süsteemi üleüldse mahutuvad mõisted “läbikukkumine” või “viga”. Mõnusat lugemist! ANSE-2023-01-12_What is Failure in supervision I was puzzled about the concept of failure…
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Supervision Question

One of the easiest traps, even for the supervisor, is to hear the problem and start offering solutions. Solutions can be either specific suggestions or some fantastic exercises, which fit the theme. Supervision client should always be a professional, who should be able to self-actualise and reflect. Before You jump to work, please remember to…
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What is Your Need?

People kind of often end up in supervision or psychological counselling session with no clear goal. “I heard, You are fantastic!” “I have no theme – I am happy to listen to what You say.” “I believe You can make me a better professional/person.” “I have this big problem – what would you do?” “I…
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How are You today?

“How are You today?” And I told, I feel really bad, but I try to focus, and I can work with the group. And then I read from the report later – everybody was feeling good and enthusiastic. How did this make me feel? Honestly? Offended! Sad. Surprised. Not heard …  Questioning the overall professionalism…
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Sotsiaalsest tsirkusest ja kehalolust

Ühel varakevadisel päeval helistas mulle Tiina Jõgeda ja pakkus võimalust rääkida “Minu mängureeglites” kehalisusest. Välja tuli aga nagu ikka – tsirkus võttis ohjad enda kätte ja nõnda me teele asusime. Rääkisime sotsiaalsest tsirkusest, klouniks olemisest, läbikukkumise rõõmust, trikkidest ja aplausist ning veeeidikene ka liikumiskunstist ja kehalolust. Kuula saadet “Minu mängureeglid” siit.

Psühholoog Helena Ehrenbusch õpetab, kuidas kehakeelt mõistes aju ära trikitada ja õnnelikum olla

Õppinud silmale reedab keha palju ka ilma sõnadeta, liigutustega. „Mida rohkem ma inimest liikumises näen, seda rohkem oskan tema kohta öelda. Tunni ajaga võib saada päris kena pildi inimese isiksuseomadustest, harjumustest, peremustritest. Üht-teist saab teada ka mõne sekundiga, vaadates kasvõi, kuidas keegi näiteks bussis käsipuust kinni hoiab,” avaldab tantsija, koreograaf ja psühholoog Helena Ehrenbusch (46), kes on sidunud…
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There are 2 general types of client relationships. 1) People, who are motivated and clever, interesting people, with whom it is really easy to fall in love, get positive feedback, to learn from. People who lift also us up, because they are inspiring. 2) The type, where you always fall into the same traps as…
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Goal of Supervisor

What is the ultimate goal of the supervisor? To possess and introduce to Your client a wide range of methods and exercises? To work towards and get to the “ahhaa!” moments? To set and reach the goal? To be the best partner and enlightener on discovering the satisfaction in work? For me, the most important…
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