a fulfilling life and work,
professional development

I support people who feel stuck in life or need clarity.
I offer professionals opportunities to maintain mental health and develop professional competence.
We work with teams to promote open communication, effective solutions, and an empowering work culture.
We help organizations keep up with the times and cope with the challenges of a changing world.

What is Your Need?

People kind of often end up in supervision or psychological counselling session with no clear goal.

“I heard, You are fantastic!”
“I have no theme – I am happy to listen to what You say.”
“I believe You can make me a better professional/person.”
“I have this big problem – what would you do?”
“I just came to see, what is happening.”

Supervision (or counselling) should be taken when there is a wish for change or development.
If the person or group has no theme, no wishes, no visions, it is OK to end the meeting.
In case You fall into the flattering or helper’s trap, You might end up being an entertainer or a figurine in the victim triangle.


Superviisoril on lihtne kukkuda “lõbustaja” või “abistaja” lõksu, kui ta ei taipa õigeaegselt anda vastutust supervisioni sisu eest kliendile.

“Ma kuulsin, et sa oled väga äge.”
“Sinu suust tuleb ainult kuldmune.”
“Mul ei ole täna teemat, ma tulin lihtsalt kuulama.”
“Mul on üks probleem – mis sina selles olukoras teeksid?”
“Ma than olla parem versioon endast. Mis ma tegema pean?”

Supervisioon ei ole mugavusteenus, vaid teatud valdkondades ja olukordades hädavajalik osa tööhügieenist.
Seega ole võimalusel veendunud, et Sinu klient teab, kuhu ta tuli ja et ta ise tunneb, et soovib muutust või areneda erialases plaanis.

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