What Is Failure in the Context of Supervision?

What Is Failure in the Context of Supervision?


Inglisekeelne filosoofiline mõtiskelu rahvusvahelises supervisiooni ajakirjas, mille teemaks oli “Õppimine läbikukkumistest, vigadest ja fiaskodest.”
Minu mõttelõnga veeretas keerlema küsimus, et kui supervisioon on elukutse, mis tugineb refleksioonil ja õppimisel, siis kuidas sellesse süsteemi üleüldse mahutuvad mõisted “läbikukkumine” või “viga”. Mõnusat lugemist!

ANSE-2023-01-12_What is Failure in supervision

I was puzzled about the concept of failure in the context of supervision, as this is one of the professions, which is entirely based on reflection and learning.
What does it mean then, when a supervisor is talking about failure? And how does this word end up in our professional vocabulary at all?

This philosophical reverie was written for ANSE Journal VOLUME 6 – 2023 – ISSUE 1,  with the title Learning from Failures, Faults and Fiascos. Download the issue from HERE.


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