Supervision Question

Supervision Question

One of the easiest traps, even for the supervisor, is to hear the problem and start offering solutions.
Solutions can be either specific suggestions or some fantastic exercises, which fit the theme.

Supervision client should always be a professional, who should be able to self-actualise and reflect.
Before You jump to work, please remember to ask, what the supervisee needs or wants in connection to the theme that is brought out.
“What is Your question to me? How can I be helpful?”
It is very often a long and painful process, but as a reward, the supervisee takes responsibility and lead for her/his own themes.


Superviisori lõksudest – me kipume kiiresti hüppama töösse, ilma süüvimata, mida klient toodud probleemiga ette võtta tahaks.
Kliendile see enamasti sobib imehästi, sest mõnikord on mõnus “puhata” vastutusest, and juhtimine üle teisele ägedale professionaalile.

Probleem saab lahendatud. Enamasti on kõik õnnelikud.
Heal juhul saab superviisorist taaskord “meelelahutaja” ja abistaja.
Halval juhul vastutab supervisor naha ja kõrvadega teise inimese valikute eest.

Tuletame meelde. Kuulates ära inimese probleemi ….
“Mis on sinu küsimus? Soov? Vajadus?”
“Kuidas saan mina Sind praegu aidata?”

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