The Art of Movement in the service of bridging

The Art of Movement in the service of bridging

Sigmund Freud’s more unknown quote says –

“The ego

is first and foremost a bodily ego; it is not merely a surface
entity but is itself the projection of a surface” (Freud,

I believe the human body is the physical manifestation of our
self. All our life experience is written to our body and movement
is visible in our outlook, choices and habits. We
tend to think, that we know and understand the world, react
and develop in life because of, and through our brain.
Very often we do not recognise the importance of our
bodies in this process. We may have forgotten past traumas
and successful experiences, but our body remembers
and gives us signs through various health conditions,
recognisable movement patterns, eating habits, etc.


Published in ANSE Journal, volume 3  – 2019 – issue 2
Link to download the given issue

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