
Supervision – a supporting part of responsible professions

Supervision is a professional consulting service that helps professionals in responsible positions achieve long-term success and balance. In positions where every decision and action affects people and organizations, supervision can provide support that helps resolve complex situations, prevent burnout, and develop a high-quality and positive work culture.

The goal of supervision is to provide space and tools to:

  • understand the basics of human psychology and the functioning of organizations;
  • analyze and reflect on work challenges, including interpersonal issues, one's role and impact;
  • maintain and develop the mental and emotional well-being of an employee, team or organization.

How to choose a suitable supervisor?

The effectiveness of supervision depends largely on the competence of the supervisor and their working style. Some important questions to ask yourself:

  1. Does the supervisor have professional training that meets the requirements of the professional association? (In Estonia, mainly ANSE standards)
  2. What is their experience as both a supervisor and a worker? Although the supervisor does not have to be a specialist in the same field, it is important that they have experience in the labor market, which brings practical understanding and empathy.
  3. Do their personality and values fit with the culture of your organization and industry?

Supervision does not offer quick fixes, but is a long-term process that aims to increase self-awareness and develop problem-solving skills. It supports the development of employees and organizations, helping to find new approaches and develop greater job satisfaction.

Supervision for teams and organizations

Team supervision focuses on understanding work motivation, resource utilization, role balance, and individual needs of team members. Organizational supervision looks at larger processes such as improving organizational culture, leadership development, change management, and work organization.

The supervisor supports the process by providing neutral feedback to help visualize the situation, set goals, and find solutions.

Supervision offers participants the opportunity to analyze their activities and develop professional and personal skills.

Coaching as part of a supervisor's competencies Coaching helps people achieve better results and solutions through setting specific goals and achieving them in a targeted manner.

Request a quote

If you have been wondering how to support your organization, team, or yourself in complex situations or in responsible positions, supervision may be a good solution. Together we can find a suitable approach that supports sustainable development and job satisfaction and mental well-being.